
Theory Practice Integration


From the below study it could be assessed that The City of Ryde has been selected as the LGA that helps in carrying out work within local government and thus identify the areas where improvement is required. The City of Ryde LGA has been selected for completing the study. Local government plays a crucial role within the lives of individual within the six Australian states and the Northern Territory and thus local government authorities exist to provide different services and amenities to local community. Australian Council of Local Government categorises its councils into different types using the density of population. Chosen LGA involves in the classification system are those that receive general purpose and obtaining financial help so that desired actions could be carried out.

Introduction to City Of Ryde Council

Here, the City of Ryde Council has been chosen as it is a local government area that provides services within certain suburbs located within the lower North Shore and Northern Suburbs of Sydney. The Australian Classification of Local Governments (ACLG) categorises using population, density and proportion of population which is classified as urban for council (Megarrity, 2011). LGA involves classification system that helps in receiving Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs) as per the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995 (Scott, 2015). Here, for the present study City of Ryde has been chosen because of the density of population which is 117,171 as per 2015 while the area covered by City of Ryde is 40.65 Km. The present report discusses about the City of Ryde LGA, council and different aspects adopted by local government practice so that issues faced by the chosen LGA could be assessed and thus integrate such principles and practices in relation to preparing an appropriate structure of council. Also, selecting work unit performance helps in using the information regarding community and local area as well as council so that proper decision could be made in regard to selected aspect for local government practice.

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Describe your LGA, your council, your work unit and your role

Local government plays a crucial role within the lives of individual within the six Australian states and the Northern Territory and thus local government authorities exist to provide different services and amenities to local community because they are responsible for regulating and providing wide range of services and amenities for land and property within the district (Megarrity, 2011 pp 1). However, the local authority involves city councils while local council refers to only state. It means that local councils are being formed by the state. It is essential for each and every council to employ staff in regard to provide local government services in regard to make crucial decision so that best results could be attained. Local government area is stated as the administrative division of the country for which the local government is being responsible for. However, the size of any LGA depends upon the country to country but generally it is being categorized in state, province, division and territory. Local Government within Australia is third tier of government and thus it is being administered by the states and territories (Burke, 2017). While, local government is in the state constitutions it is not being mentioned within the constitution of Australia. It has been assessed that the local governing body within Australia is considered as the council and thus territories governed are collectively stated as LGA's. Terms such as City and Shire are used in order to demonstrate the geographic interpretation. There are around 547 local councils in Australia (Megarrity, 2011).

City of Ryde

It is a local government area that helps in providing services within certain suburbs located within the lower North Shore and Northern Suburbs of Sydney. However, City of Ryde falls within the urban developed area due to the density of population. Planning controls helps in explaining the standards and restrictions for a new development that helps in applying to a location i.e. suburban, street etc with different types of development i.e. dwellings, villas that helps in developing the provision of controlling the actions. City of Ryde provides different guidelines, objectives and controls relating to the future development of city and thus develop local planning direction for the city over next 20 years (Local Environmental Plan, 2016).

City of Ryde helps in developing comprehensive plan that helps in developing the plan for the city together with the Ryde Development Control Plan in regard to provide the essential framework to improve the performance of city. It also focuses upon balancing the needs of residents, businesses and investors in order to attain future planning.

Vision of City of Ryde that helps the place to bring lifestyle and opportunity at residents doorstep while the mission is that working with our community and partners helps in providing strategic leadership, effective projects and quality customer service. City of Ryde involves different values such as safety, teamwork, ethics and professionalism in order to improve the performance of council.

Australian Classification of Local Government

It can be stated that Australian Council of Local Government categorises its councils into different types using the density of population. LGA involves in the classification system are those that receive general purpose and obtaining financial help so that desired actions could be carried out. There are 3 steps involved within the classification and thus each and every step allocates a prefix so that it could be developed as a three letter and class of local government could be easily identified. City of Ryde falls within Urban Developed area which is divided on the basis of density of population. The internal structure of the organization is being formed that helps in identifying the local government principles and thus evaluate the members involved within the council (Patton and McMahon, 2014). Thus, it is significant for local council to carry out the best practice and thus performs the operations in an effective way. It assesses that local conflict is more likely to develop which means that there is a mix of social groups and thus carry out urban development. Thus, local government politics in Australia focuses upon main three things i.e. traditional ideologies in local government and their changing significance. Also, their relationship among local government and other institutions so that levels could be decided in terms of carrying out effective processes. Thus, it is being considered as effective and identify the interests of local government in order to bring development within the council. Local government provides commission so that it does not take the ACLG classification of council into the account at the time of determining the level of attaining results (Northouse, 2015). However, development of such type of system is being recognised that with so many types of local council government in Australia and thus bringing change in population distribution patterns it helps in developing different council so that local government could be reallocated to classification that reflects the circumstances. Following is the structure of classification system-

  • Urban- Population more than 20,000.
  • Rural- Local Government Area with population less than 20000

However, working in planning department at Ryde Council does not live near this development if they think that it is a good idea. Therefore, it is essential for government to decide the structure maintained within the council in terms of providing proper vision and mission so that Ryde Council is responsible for protecting the local heritage but do not possess commitment. However, within the internal organisation structure involves different departments, divisions and branches i.e. secretary and deputy secretaries. Thus, such authorities play a crucial role in planning the activities of City of Ryde so that appropriate activities could be carried out in regard to provide best services to the local community (Duchowski, 2017). Within Australia carrying out Citizenship strategy results in actively promoting the concepts of democracy so that satisfaction level of individual could be attained. Hence, developing partnership with different governance authorities helps in developing strategies so that it ultimately helps in improving the contribution of government in the development of society (Local Environmental Plan, 2016).

Further, in the later part two different aspects of local government practice is being selected i.e. tailored local services and social justice in City of Ryde so that it helps in improving the work area and thus carry out the operations of firm in market. Therefore, it is essential for government to carry out the work with unit's capacity in regard to address the issues raised regarding its performance (Scott, 2015). Hence, assessing own performance results in improving the same so that set outcomes could be attained.

Tailored local services

It is essential for LGA to understand and identify the different local services that are required in order to perform the business operations. Thus, it is significant for business unit to assess the work unit's key areas of operation and therefore, government aims to tailor the local services so that it could prove to be useful for individual living in society. Hence, government officials focus upon carrying out proper work unit performance and thus identify the key areas of operation where specific changes are required (Butterfield and et. al., 2016). It is essential for City of Ryde to identify the local services that are being provided by them, because it helps them to bring required changes within the services so that desired results could be attained. Local government in Australia is considered as the third tier of government in Australia which is administered by the states and territories. Thus, City of Ryde LGA combines with different agencies in relation to tailored the local services and thus perform the operations to satisfy the needs of individual. It has been assessed that the local governing body is referred as council and the territories governed are collectively refer to as Local Government Areas (LGA's). Here, government focuses upon dividing the services with regard to the work unit's key areas of operation so that different local services are being provided to residents in regard to make them satisfied (Jolley and et. al., 2014).

There are different local services that needs to be tailored by government in terms of satisfying the needs of residents so that it could satisfy their needs. Education, public health, social services, disability etc. are stated as the local services that involves particular individual within the work unit so that key areas of operation could be improved in order to attain desired results (Marshall and et. al., 2014). Such services are significant aspect of council that interests individual in regard to the work unit's key areas of operation so that local government need to be involved within the services provided in regard to improve the performance of council. Government need to introduce certain regulation so that they are focused upon providing tailored local services to people living in Australia in regard to the work unit's key areas of operation. Local services are required to be tailored by City of Ryde LGA and thus attain desired results (Bismark and Studdert, 2014).

Local Government Area focuses upon tailoring and bringing certain changes within policies and practices so that work unit key areas of operation could be attained. Thus, adopting effective resources it helps in describing the operations of council so that desired work unit is performing their set targets effectively (Dew and et. al., 2014). City of Ryde LGA practices in relation to support the services being provided in relation to people who are ill, injured or have disability so that proper support system need to be followed so that residents could be satisfied.

Further, it could be assessed that tailoring local services helps in fulfilling the needs of individuals and therefore, it aids in improving work unit's key areas of operation. Hence, it assists in fulfilling the needs of enhancing local services so that work unit within LGA could be improved so that desired results could be attained (Dong and et. al., 2015). City of Ryde LGA provides tailored local services so that it helps in improving the performance of work unit and thus raise their operations so that effective results could be attained. Thus, it is significant for carrying out local government practice and thus perform the operations in significant manner so that work unit's could enhance their performance so that desired satisfaction could be attained. Improving the local services such as health, education, disability etc. helps in enhancing the performance of work unit in relation to safeguard the policies and practices that results in improving their efficiency so that appropriate outcomes could be attained (Domingues and et. al., 2015).

Moreover, providing tailored local services helps in improving the work unit's key areas of operation so that it enhances the operations and thus provide better opportunities to individual living within City of Ryde. The department of local services influences youth to participate in the local government practice and therefore results in improving the performance so that desired operations could be attained (Hayes and et. al., 2015). Hence, it is significant for City of Ryde local government practice to identify the local services that could be tailored as per the needs and wants of individuals so that it could help in satisfying their needs and thus improve their performance so that success could be attained (Local Environmental Plan, 2016.). However, it is essential to identify the work unit and thus enhance the performance in terms of raising business operations that aims to overcome the efficiency and thus work unit's key areas of operation could be improved within selected city (Harris-Hogan, Barrelle and Zammit, 2016).

Hence, it could be assessed that tailored local services with regard to the work unit's key areas of operation helps in improving the performance of individual so that appropriate outcomes could be attained. All the identified local services need to be tailored so that it helps in improving the performance of individual and thus results in raising the performance. Thus, it could be evaluated that City of Ryde LGA need to identify the local services and thus improve the performance so that set targets could be attained (Dew and et. al., 2013). Adopting such aspect of local government practice results in improving the work performance of individual work unit because it helps in raising the performance so that desired results could be attained. It is significant for council to identify the needs of individual and therefore provide them appropriate services so that desired results could be attained. Through raising their performance it helps in improving the business work culture and enhance the units so that work unit could raise their operation in terms of improving the outcomes (Moran, Porter and Curth-Bibb, 2014).

Further, performance of work unit needs to be identified and thus assess its performance as it helps in evaluating the desired performance so that overall objectives could be enhanced. Tailored local services results in raising the participation of work unit so that desired performance of local government practices results in raising its performance. Therefore, it is significant for local government to participate within the work unit and thus raise the performance of City of Ryde LGA so that it could attain desired outcomes. Such performance of work unit results in raising their outcomes and thus bring tailored local services so that it helps in improving the work unit (McKay, Coombs and Duerden, 2014).

Moreover, it is significant for local council to raise the work unit's key areas of operation therefore, City of Ryde LGA requires raising its efficiency and thus community and local area undertakes different plans, decisions, policies and activities so that tailored services could be provided. Local services that needs to be tailored by government in terms of satisfying the needs of residents so that it could satisfy their needs (Woodruffe and et. al., 2015). Education, public health, social services, disability etc. are stated as the local services that involves particular individual within the work unit so that key areas of operation could be improved in order to attain desired results. Such services are significant aspect of council that interests individual in regard to the work unit's key areas of operation so that local government need to be involved within the services provided in regard to improve the performance of council (MacCallum, Byrne and Steele, 2014).

Social justice in the LGA

It assesses that there are various ways through which social justice could be promoted within local government area. It involves housing that is basic necessity and thus considered as the largest expenditure item of households helps in carrying out appropriate housing contribution and thus helps in contributing to the health and wellbeing. Thus, promoting such social justice policies within City of Ryde LGA results in enhancing the increase and improve in the stack of affordable housing and of social housing in particular (Eaton, Roberts and Turner, 2015). Further, there are different changes required to improve and enhance the stock of affordable housing and of social housing so that City of Ryde aims to promote social justice. Further, another promotion of social justice is health therefore, primary and preventative health care system results in promoting social justice so that it helps City of Ryde LGA to focus upon the health of individuals living in council (Local Environmental Plan, 2016.). Thus, providing them proper health and primary care results in using different approaches so that proper funding could be obtained and thus implementing regional public health plan could be attained (Johnston and et. al., 2013).

Further, another social justice in relation to mental health is being considered as poor part of health system. Therefore, it is significant in relation to enhance mental illness so that through improving investment by non government organisations it helps in carrying out effective mental health process so that desired outcomes could be attained. It is significant way of promoting social justice so that desired results could be attained (Stephenson and et. al., 2014). Moreover, social and economic participation helps in considering that social participation is one of the main indicator of overall health and thus refers to develop community and refers to the ways through which people engages with each other and take part within the life of improving community in wider context. All such way of promoting social justice within chosen LGA helps in raising the awareness and thus carry out the effective form of promotion and attain desired results within local government area (Butterfield and et. al., 2016).

Moreover, City of Ryde aims to promote social justice so that it could attain satisfaction among the different social problems being faced. Thus, it is crucial for them to improve and promote social justice so that economic participation could be improved within health and safety. Social drivers helps in supporting people before patterns of isolation, alienation and anti-social behaviour so that intervention and support could help in protecting the behaviour of individuals (Jolley and et. al., 2014). It is significant for promoting social justice so that child protection and asylum seekers are required to raise their promotion within particular City of Ryde so that individual could be benefited in terms of improving the services being provided to people.

Through evaluating the responses it results in improving the performance of individual and thus carry out appropriate law and justice that ascertain that effective way to redress criminal behaviour and thus overcome crime activities. Moreover, City of Ryde needs to build appropriate law and justice so that it helps in continuing with the system so that vast majority of services could be carried out in regard to improve the services and directed towards the desired results (Marshall and et. al., 2014).

Social justice is considered as the fair and just relation between the individual and society helps in measuring the explicit and distributing wealth so that opportunities could be obtained in order to perform the business functions. Thus, in regard to promote social justice in Local Government Area it is essential for council to assign different rights and responsibilities of different installations working within the society and thus enables individual to receive the basic benefits and burden of cooperation (Bismark and Studdert, 2014). It is essential for City of Ryde to promote social justice and thus involve different benefits such as taxation, social insurance, public health and other regulation that helps in providing different responsibilities so that local government could promote social justice within area.

It can be evaluated that concept of social justice could be traced in relation to become used and explicitly performing the desired performance so that appropriate outcomes could be attained. Hence, it is crucial for City of Ryde to undertake effective practices and therefore, it is considered as effective result and therefore improve the performance of social justice. With the help of this international law and justice could be carried out that helps in promoting social justice within LGA so that desired outcomes could be attained. Each and every official of government is focused upon promoting social justice in City of Ryde LGA so that social justice could be achieved (Dew and et. al., 2014).

There are different values and beliefs that social justice is being carried out in relation to improve the performance and thus overcome the difficulties being faced by individuals living within the society. Hence, it is crucial for them to obtain to promote such social justice policies within City of Ryde LGA results in enhancing the increase and improve in the stack of affordable housing and of social housing in particular (Dong and et. al., 2015). Further, there are different changes required to improve and enhance the stock of affordable housing and of social housing so that chosen LGA aims to promote social justice (Local Environmental Plan, 2016.). Therefore it assists in building social justice so that promotion of social justice to be improved in terms of raising the business performance.

Furthermore, it is significant for City of Ryde LGA to promote social justice and do not harm any individual living within the society through providing them appropriate services and thus overcoming their issues. With the help of social drivers it helps in supporting people before patterns of isolation, alienation and anti-social behaviour so that intervention and support could help in protecting the behaviour of individuals. It is significant for promoting social justice so that child protection and asylum seekers are required to raise their promotion within particular LGA so that individual could be benefited in terms of improving the services being provided to people (Domingues and et. al., 2015).

Building work unit's capacity to address the issues

It could be assessed that it is essential for City of Ryde LGA to promote and carry out effective practices. It is essential for them to build the particular work units capacity and thus address the issue being faced regarding performance. Further, it is essential for LGA to undertake effective innovative practices and therefore results in improving the performance of society so that work unit could raise the performance level (Lingard, Sellar and Savage, 2014). It is significant for different NGO's to work in an effective manner so that practical and realistic way so that participation of local government improves the performance of work unit. Further, adopting innovation results in raising the performance so that appropriate work unit's capacity could be raised in relation to build the performance and thus overcome the issues so that set targets could be attained.

Moreover, it is essential for City of Ryde to develop effective policies and practice and put forward them so that individual work unit capacity could be improved and thus raise their performance in terms of improving efficiency and outcomes adopting social justice and urban regeneration (Mills and et. al., 2014). Further, in regard to raise their performance it helps in underpinning the subject matter and thus improves the promotion of social justice in LGA and thus carry out effective outcomes within the structure of local council. Hence, it assists in improving the social policies and activities so that work unit plans helps in making decisions so that it ensures that appropriate policies could be provided (Lang and Heasman, 2015).

It is significant for improving work unit performance and thus inform the same to local community and council or work unit plans because it is helpful for their promotion and therefore results in improving regeneration in relation to raise the performance. Moreover, it is crucial for them to adopt effective practices and thus results in adopting effective practices and improving the capacity so that issues could be addressed in relation to raise the performance of LGA and attain desired results (Bielefeld, 2014). Moreover, it has been assessed that all the objectives identified for improving work unit and thus address the same issues in relation to improve the performance helps City of Ryde to plan appropriate outcomes. Moreover, carrying out effective practices helps in performing both the selected performance of work unit and therefore results in building appropriate results in relation to raise the standard and attain desired targets (De Santo, 2013).

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Moreover, it is crucial for City of Ryde LGA to adopt effective practices and thus helps in carrying out local council so that work unit's area of operations helps in performing the business outcomes within LGA. It also helps in performing desired outcomes so that innovative ideas could be promoted and thus reflect the same in regard to raise council's promotion (Brisman and South, 2016). Also, supporting different social justice in relation to improve the performance and thus overcome the issues so that set targets could be attained. Thus, improving work units capacity helps in addressing the issues and build the capacity so that appropriate outcomes could be attained.


Thus, it can be concluded from the study that, ACLG has been formulated that helps in improving the performance of LGA and thus enhance the operations so that innovative practice is being carried out. There are two different aspects of local government practice i.e. tailored local services and promotion of social justice in City of Ryde helps in improving the performance of local government practice so that desired outcomes could be attained. Further, carrying out innovation that helps in building the work unit so that identified issues could be avoided and raise its performance and attain desired outcomes.

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